Now this connection took place on and were a good match, though to be honest I am not sure what percentage we had in regards to matching. He winked at me first and then I sent him and email. Honestly why do you wink at someone? I don't understand that if you actually have the subscription to the site, if not then it is for free and the only way you can communicate. Anyways, I sent this guy and email and he sent one back right away.
His first email to me was "You want a baby? Me too!!!" and that was it. Nothing else, including no name. And on this site you have a username not an actual name. Which is kinda creepy because really there are screen names like luvnpsy69 is really gonna get you a date with me.But you know me, always willing to go out on a limb and take a chance, especially when it comes to crazy people looking for love in all the wrong places, so I emailed him back. I told him that I did want one, but it was not a requirement and really I wasn't looking to get pregnant right away, usually something comes with the baby, i.e. romance, love, marriage.
Well then continued on a series of emails back and forth about things we are looking for in a relationship and a couple of times I had to tell him that he was really coming on too strong. He apologized, said he was just so excited to meet someone, etc etc. So I cut him some slack, he was older, had been divorced for a couple of years.... Well I should have just decided to let it go because it went downhill from there.
The top 5 reasons you know the guy is not being honest about his relationship status:
- He says he cant talk on the phone cause he has roommates.
- He says he wants to meet but he just isn't sure when.
- He's extremely happy you are talking to him, but really wants to talk dirty to you.
- Do you have any pics?
- He never tells you his name.
Needless to say I never talked to him again. Though he did pop up 2 weeks later and ask me what was up, I blocked him. All hail the mighty block.